Unofficial GarouMUSH Wiki
  • Name: The Longhouse
  • Location: Rainbow Lake, east of the Caern, in the Blue Mountains.
  • IC Owner: Co-owned by the Wendigo and Uktena tribes of the Hidden Walk.
  • Notes: Construction on the Longhouse began in 2005, as a replacement home for the Pure Tribes, as the Cave of Winds at Two Eagles Bluff is like most caves, and is a rotten place to live. The building was finished at the end of the year, and many moved in. It served as communal living for a number of Wendigo and Uktena, as well as their kin. While primitive compared to the Safe House the Glass Walkers operated in the city, it provided a dry, solid shelter for the Pure Tribes from the elements, and a warm place in the winter. However, after an attack on a Hive by Silvertip, Black Spiral Dancers attacked and burnt down the Longhouse in retaliation. None were killed in the attack, save two bison. Silvertip and Touch Deer spearheaded the construction of the Qasgiq, or Community Hall, as a replacement.